Are you getting started with twitter for business or want to get more followers and increase engagement on Twitter?
Regardless of where you are at, here’s a massive list of 200+ Twitter tips that will make you a more effective Twitter user, and that you wish you knew years ago. The article shares some of the latest Twitter tips and tricks, strategies and best practices.
In addition, you can look like a Twitter pro, too! Each tip has a [Tweet This] link so you can quickly tweet out that tip. Better still, schedule the tweets for the year ahead and you’ll look like a marketing rockstar.
Alternatively consider using this as a guide to building a better Twitter presence. At the end of the post you’ll find a bonus cheat-sheet and checklist to help you grow your Twitter following to 1000+ followers fast. For now let’s get started with the tips.
Actionable Tip: Just take 1 thing from the list to do per day and you will come out with better results in a few months. These are the very tips that I have used to increase my followers regularly by 100% in just 30 days and retweets by 50% in 14 days.
How do I optimize my Twitter profile?
- Answer this question: “Why are you using Twitter?” Tweet This
- Grab your name, brand or passion, depending on what’s available and what suits your purpose. Tweet this
- Google disregards usernames which include a bunch of numbers, so keep your username professional. Tweet this
- Make use of new profile dimensions. Header photo = 1500 x 500 px | profile pic = 400 x 400 px. Tweet this
- Use a close-up photo of you as your avatar, making you easily recognizable. Tweet this
- When filling out your bio, be witty but not at the expense of clarity. Tweet this
- Show off your uniqueness and skills without over-hashtagging. Tweet this
- Include your website URL, but avoid shortened links as they make people suspicious. Tweet this
- Do not automate messages or anything else. Tweet this
- You will be judged on your ability to write, so take time to master the perfect tweet. Tweet this
- Use keywords in your profile, but make it fun and searchable. Tweet this
- Focus on your passion to help you stand out from the noise. Tweet this
- Decide on your keywords. Tweet this
- Research and identify your #hashtags. Tweet this
- Check how secure your password is with Tweet this
- Use a password application like to help you remember complex passwords. Tweet this
- How long has it been since you lasted updated your profile picture? Update it if necessary. Tweet this
- Does the URL you link to still work, and is the personal description still accurate? Tweet this
- Take time to analyse who you are following, and unfollow any irrelevant or inactive accounts: Tweet this
- The official Twitter app for iOS or Android works well while on the go. Tweet this
- Get a account for better link stats and tracking.
- Register your own domain name to build your own shortener with: Tweet this
- Monitor stats for any URL, even other people’s, by adding a + to the end of the URL. Tweet this
- Where do you announce your Twitter handle? Do an audit and measure what works best. Tweet this
- Set up an out of office reply in Twitter when you are away or on vacation: Tweet this
What do I tweet?
- Answer the question, “What has your attention?” Tweet this
- Have more than one person tweet for your business. Tweet this
- Promoting a blog post? Then ask a question or explain what’s coming next – don’t just provide a link. Tweet this
- Ask questions and solicit opinions. Tweet this
- Follow interesting people, and those that they follow, to get ideas for content. Tweet this
- Tweet about other people’s stuff. Tweet this
- Tweet about your stuff, but make it useful. Provide advice, pictures, videos etc. Tweet this
- Share the human side of your company, and content that relates to human issues. Tweet this
- Don’t blow your own trumpet too much. If you do, balance it out by promoting others a lot, too. Tweet this
- Stick to your purpose for being on Twitter. Tweet this
- Focus on your passion for the business or industry you are in. Tweet this
- Spend more time talking about others than you do about yourself. Tweet this
- Share hacks, tips and advice. Tweet this
- To be an industry thought leader, add commentary to the links you tweet. Tweet this
- Use quotes or micro-motivational speeches, like @PamMktgNut and @kimgarst. Tweet this
- Poll your audience and post the results. Tweet this
- Share productivity tips. Tweet this
- Start a hashtag chat. Tweet this
- Share infographics and podcasts as alternative media. Tweet this
- Share cool industry statistics. Tweet this
- Share Twitter and/or social media related news and tips. Tweet this
- Highlight great followers: don’t wait for Follow Friday. Tweet this
- Tweet about a favourite TV show or movie, and show your fun side. Tweet this
- Tweet a photo and Vine series on life at your office. Tweet this
- Tweets with photos get a 35% boost in RTs: @Twitter Tweet this
- Tweets with videos get a 28 % increase in RTs: @Twitter Tweet this
- Tweets with quotes, numbers and hashtags get a 19%, 17%, and 16% increase in retweets respectively: @Twitter Tweet this
- Photos are more effective for verified users in government and politics, with a 62% higher RT rate: @Twitter Tweet this
- Tweets with videos saw a 35% increase in RTs for verified users in the music industry: @Twitter Tweet this
- Photos generated a 27% increase RTs in the news industry: @Twitter Tweet this
- In the sports industry, photos result in a 50% increase in RTs: @Twitter Tweet this
- Tweets with quotes saw a 53% bump in RTs in the TV industry: @Twitter Tweet this
How To Write Retweetable Tweets
- Build a strong presence on Twitter. Tweet this
- Direct your tweets at Twitter users who are already thought leaders and experts in your industry. Tweet this
- People don’t want to retweet what everyone else is saying, so use rarer words. Tweet this [Source]
- Retweet others, and give credit where it’s due. Tweet this
- The 3 most commonly found words in retweets are “you”, “Twitter” and “please”. Tweet this [Source]
- When retweeting, try to keep as much of the original tweet intact as possible. Tweet this
- Use retweet etiquette – RT @username: Original Tweet (via @username). Tweet this
- Keep your tweet to under 100 characters so others can retweet and add @mention. Tweet this
- Every tweet should include a @mention, a hashtag and a link to increase the chances of being retweeted. Tweet this [Source]
- Use tools to tweet at the right time, and to increase retweets. Tweet this
- Smaller Twitter followings yield more retweets on average. Tweet this
- Tweets with readability levels greater than grade 6 are more likely to be retweeted. Tweet this [Source]
- Include 1 to 3 hashtags to increase the likelihood of being retweeted by 55%. Tweet this [Source]
- Include quotation marks to increase the likelihood of being retweeted by 30%. Tweet this [Source]
- Images uploaded to are twice as likely to be retweeted. Tweet this
- Adding Twitpic images increases the likelihood of being retweeted by 60%. Tweet this
- 40% of tweets containing Instagram images are not likely to be retweeted. Tweet this
- 50% of tweets containing Facebook images are not likely to be retweeted. Tweet this
- A call to action in your tweet can increase the chance of being retweeted. Tweet this
- Adding “please help” or “please retweet” increases your chances of being retweeted by 100%. Tweet this
- “Please RT” and “please” are popular CTAs. Manners matter more than character count. Tweet this
- Make sure you message is clear to your audience, even when characters are limited. Tweet this
- Include “retweet” or “spread” to improve your chance of being retweeted. Tweet this
- Don’t use the word “visit” as it sounds like a promotion. Tweet this
- Quit using self-references, as only 1.5% of retweets contain them. Tweet this
- 80% of people say they retweet news. Instructional and entertainment items are also popular. Tweet this
- Twitter mentions in tweets are 200% more likely to be retweeted. Tweet this
- Use exclamation marks when tweeting. Tweet this
- Tweeting in uppercase can result in a 550% increase in retweets, but use with care. Tweet this
- Avoid publishing tweets in batches. Use the Buffer app to stagger your tweets. Tweet this
- Ask for retweets. People don’t know what you want them to do unless you ask. Tweet this
- Share a few times a day. Tweet this
- Spell out the word “retweet”. Tweet this
- 44% of all tweets are retweets. Tweet this [Source]
- Most Retweets are noun heavy. Tweet this [Source]
- Retweets have less emotional content than tweets. Tweet this [Source]
- Men and women retweet differently, with women retweeting more content types. Tweet this [Source]
- Nearly 80% of retweeted content is about news, and more than 50% of retweeted content is entertainment-related. Tweet this [Source]
- The likelihood of a tweet being retweeted increases dramatically each time it is retweeted. Tweet this [Source]
How To Add More Personality To Your Tweets
- If a picture is worth a thousand words, then how much more of your personality can you get across with a tweeted picture? Tweet this
- Tweet pictures of yourself working, or going about your daily routine. Tweet this
- Connecting with people is often as simple as using their name. Tweet this
- Use their name. Saying “Thank you, Ann” is much more personal than just saying “Thank you”. Tweet this
- Tweet as though you were speaking to your audience, rather than typing to them. Tweet this
- Your tweet language adds character and can build a distinctive voice. Tweet this
- Your personality is the reason people follow you, so let it shine through your tweets. Tweet this
How to increase your tweet engagement
- Share your Twitter content with your audience by re-posting your tweets on Facebook and LinkedIn when appropriate. Tweet this
- Ask your tweeps for help when you need it. Tweet this
- Tweets with links get 86% higher retweet rates, and tweets with hashtags get twice as much engagement. Tweet this [Source]
- Check to see where you stand on social media, using tools like Klout, Kred or Wefollow. Tweet this
- Find existing hashtags with lots of traffic by using Twitter Search. Tweet this
- Make a hashtag for every event or presentation you do. Tweet this [Source]
- Put your hashtag at the bottom of every slide in your PowerPoint. Tweet this
- Connect one-on-one with direct messages. Tweet this
- When you see something worth sharing in your Twitter stream, retweet it. Tweet this
- Create dynamic experiences for your audience by adding images, Vine and videos. Tweet this
- Send the same tweet 4 times to cover different time zones, with a different angle each time. Tweet this
- Use statistics to show significance: 90% of sales come from 10% of your list. Tweet this
- Use the Buffer tool to schedule your tweets, and test tweeting at different times and on different days. Tweet this
- Use Tweriod to tweet when others – especially your followers – are listening. Tweet this
- Spend time crafting and testing headlines to find what resonates with your audience. Tweet this
- Keep tweets to 100 characters or fewer to leave room for links and hashtags. Tweet this
- Use Twitter lists to curate relevant content. Tweet this
- Create and tweet original content that establishes yourself as a thought leader. Tweet this
- Define your brand, and you will know what keywords to use. Tweet this
- Use the “2 ears and 1 mouth” rule to listen and research before your tweet. Tweet this
- Use Buffer or HootSuite to schedule tweets when you can’t post in real-time. Tweet this
- Engage individuals by sharing something insightful about their blog post. Tweet this
- Thank people for retweets. Tweet this
- Add those who retweet your content to a private list for tweeters and retweeters. Tweet this
- Use your lists for great content, and retweet them or jump into a conversation. Tweet this
- Your feed will receive more attention if you make it a resource for your followers. Tweet this
- Be helpful: provide information and solutions that keep them reading. Tweet this
- If you mess up admit it. Be honest, transparent and real. Tweet this
- Build your business’s trustworthiness and credibility. Tweet this
- Be creative to highlight a point. Use cartoons like @smartArg. Tweet this
- Ask people to share their Vine experience of your product or service. Tweet this
- Show appreciation to others for their tweets by using the favourite button as a “like”. Tweet this
- If somebody asks a question on Twitter, answer them. Tweet this
- Find your local community using or Tweet this
- Pay attention the hashtags that your local community use before you join in conversations. Tweet this
- Offer local deals once you have established yourself as a conscientious local tweeter. Tweet this
- Using the words “retweet” and “reply” in tweets boosts retweet 43x! and reply rates 8x. Tweet this
- Followers have a 12.17x higher retweet rate and 14.64x higher reply rate than non-followers. Tweet this
- Learn to A/B test your tweets, and test for the best blog post headlines. Tweet this
- Drive business sales with Twitter, using strategies like “flock to unlock” Tweet this
- Find ways to meet your tweeps face to face. Think meet-ups, conferences, tweetups etc. Tweet this
- Twitter is all about conversations with interesting people. Make sure you @people. Tweet this
- Find people who contribute good content, then be interesting yourself: provide good content and add to the conversation. Tweet this
How To Leverage Visual Content on Twitter
- Business is all about people, so use images of customers or colleagues in your profile. Tweet this
- If you are a brand, don’t be afraid to put a human face to it. Tell people who your Twitter team is. Tweet this
- Share images directly to Twitter. Tweet this
- Use words on your images to make an impression at first glance. Tweet this
- Tweet a video or Vine. Tweet this
- Bright colors in images grab the attention of users in a Twitter stream. Tweet this
- Horizontal images are best for tweets. Tweet this
- Tag people and or businesses in images. Tweet this
- Share selfies. Tweet this
- Use Twitter cards to share images in your tweets. Tweet this
- Live-tweet using images or videos at events, with a dash of pizazz. Tweet this
Twitter Management Tips: How To Keep On Top Of It All
- Make Twitter a part of your life, not your life a part of Twitter. Tweet this
- Don’t let interns manage your Twitter account. Tweet this
- People value consistency, so find balance in your tweets. Tweet this
- Find balance in the number of tweets you send out on a daily basis. Tweet this
- Craft your tweets, @replies and promotional tweets with the same style as your personality or brand. Tweet this
- You don’t have to read every tweet. Tweet this
- Reply to as many @tweets directed to you as you can, but don’t feel guilty about those you don’t get to. Tweet this
- There is no one perfect Twitter client: use what works for you. Tweet this
- Use HootSuite or TweetDeck to listen to conversations about you and your brand. Tweet this
- Commenting on others’ tweets and retweeting what users have posted is a great way to build community. Tweet this
- Use HootSuite and TweetDeck to manage multiple accounts and searches. Tweet this
- Connect Facebook to Twitter, not the other way around. Tweet this
- Stick to your favorite topics; this helps define your brand. Tweet this
- Use keyboard shortcuts with the desktop interface Tweet this
- Turn geotagging off when you don’t want people to know where you are, or where you have tweeted from. Tweet this
- Search for particular topics then use a #hashtag to bring you accurate results. Tweet this
- Use Google Analytics to determine traffic to your site. Tweet this
- Fess up when you make a mistake. People understand human error. Tweet this
Avoid Common Mistakes on Twitter
- Don’t buy followers, earn them. Tweet this
- Avoid abbreviations where possible; your audience may not understand them. Tweet this
- Read posts twice before posting. Remember: you will be judged on your writing ability. Tweet this
- Avoid tasteless comments and humour. Be respectful. Tweet this
- Google facts before posting them. Tweet this
- When you don’t know: ask. Tweet this
Twitter Tips: How to Optimize Your Twitter Stream
- Use a link shortener like to shorten your links. Tweet this
- If you want retweets, leave enough spare characters. Tweet this
- Always credit the source when retweeting. Tweet this
- If you want to retweet something but it’s too long, mark it as MT so people know the tweet has been edited. Tweet this
- Level of engagement is measured in click-throughs and retweets. Tweet this
- The number of retweets you receive can be very low, so remember to play the long game. Tweet this
- Twitter block is for preventing junk and spam. Don’t be afraid to block people for the right reasons. Tweet this
- Regularly monitor and remove any dubious or redundant applications authorised in your profile. Tweet this
- To increase clicks, structure your tweets like this: TWEET – LINK #HASHTAG – AFTERTHOUGHT. Tweet this
- Asking followers to retweet gets a 4x higher retweet rate. Tweet this
- For every 100 people you follow, 30 will follow you back. Tweet this [Source]
- Best days to tweet are Saturday and Sunday. Tweet this [Source]
Twitter Tips: How To Get More Followers
- Answer this: “why should someone follow you?” Tweet this
- Use tools like TweetAdder or Crowdfire app to target who you’d like to follow. Tweet this
- Engage, engage, engage… and repeat. Tweet this
- Share more links than you do @replies. Tweet this
- Want to know how not to get someone to follow you? Ask them. Tweet this
- Publish your Twitter ID in other media, such as your email signature. Tweet this
- Tweet about subjects you wish to discuss, and behave in the manner in which you wish to be noticed. Tweet this
- Don’t just pimp your stuff. Your fans might love it, but others will tune out. Tweet this
- Listen in to conversations with Topsy. Tweet this
- Become an authority in your niche. Everyone is an expert at something; if you’re not – read more. Tweet this
- Remember you choose how you react to others and how you behave towards them. Tweet this
- Strive to acquire 100 true fans, and the rest will take of itself. Tweet this
- Use search features to watch for conversations about a problem you or your business can solve. Tweet this
- Find people in your region who are interested in your industry, and follow them. Tweet this
- Share links to cool events in your community, like @wholefoods. Tweet this
- Follow conversations, and add your 2 cents from time to time. Tweet this
- Be helpful, like @jetblue giving out travel tips. Tweet this
- Reward your followers when they participate by retweeting them, or displaying their tweets on your site or blog. Tweet this
- Encourage visits to your website by providing something of value for free in exchange for email addresses. Tweet this
- Connect with your LinkedIn account to keep track of your professional connections and their tweets. Tweet this
- Talk about non-business stuff too, like @aaronstout and @jimstorer. Tweet this
- Follow those that Twitter recommends to you. Tweet this
- Explore Twitter ads as a way of increasing your followers, engagement or leads. Tweet this
What Are The Dos and Don’ts of Twitter Etiquette?
- Avoid text speak, edit word usage, and ensure proper sentences are used. Tweet this
- Cultivate relationships with your audience. Being an active tweeter means more people take notice of you. Tweet this
- Monitor what other people say in their retweets. It’s quality and not quantity that counts. Tweet this
- Just be you – don’t be somebody you are not. Tweet this
- It goes without saying, but trolling, bulling, spamming and stalking are not acceptable behaviors. Tweet this
- Learn the language: Twitter glossary. Tweet this
- Keep tweets to 100-120 characters so people can add their own commentary. Tweet this
- Don’t over use hashtags: 2-3 at most per post. Tweet this
Optimizing Your Blog for Twitter
- Embed tweets in a blog post, and allow visitors to interact as they would on Twitter. Tweet this
- Include a follow button so that people can find you on Twitter. Tweet this
- Add a #hashtag button when creating or covering an event to help get your content out there. Tweet this
- Use clicktotweet to encourage sharing of tweetable parts of your blog. Tweet this
- Make your blog images easily shareable on Twitter. Tweet this
- Ensure your blog post helps people in some way. Tweet this
- Consider the uniqueness of your post content so that it stands out from others of a similar nature. Tweet this
- Point readers to other posts you have published. Tweet this
- News stories have higher bounce rates than more in-depth posts. Tweet this
- Lists-based posts are still winners, and are more likely to be shared. Tweet this
- Check your blog post grammar and spelling. Tweet this
- Use the 12 emotional trigger points in your post content Tweet this
- Keep headlines to 65 characters to allow for appending of peoples comments. Tweet this
- Use adjectives in headlines: they’re persuasive and add a distinct tone of voice. Tweet this
- Use question-based headlines to kick off a debate. Tweet this
- Consider what search queries people are using before deciding on which headline to use. Tweet this
How To Turn Twitter Followers Into Customers
- It’s better to have 100 “real” followers than 1000 random followers who aren’t engaged with you. Tweet this
- Spend time researching your followers; it’ll give you a clearer picture of your ideal client. Tweet this
- Send them a personalized message that includes a personalized low commitment call to action. Tweet this
- Stay connected by giving. Tweet this
- Consistency, frequency and concern shows your loyalty to your fans and followers. Tweet this
- 30% of followers are more likely to recommend you. Tweet this [Source]
- 73% of followers want updates on future products. Tweet this [Source]
- Followers are 72% more likely to buy from you. Tweet this [Source]
- 61% of followers want to offer ideas and feedback, so engage them. Tweet this [Source]
- Increase the chance of purchases by 349% with special promotional deals for followers. Tweet this [Source]
- 34% of followers say they interacted after seeing an ad with the twitter handle advertised. Tweet this [Source]
- Invite them to something fun and personalized like a #hashchat. Tweet this
- Promote your fans. Tweet this
- Let your customers and followers share their opinions with testimonials. Tweet this
Download a checklist and cheat-sheet of how to get 1000+ followers on Twitter fast.