To apply for a guest post on please submit the form generated when you click the button at bottom of the page.
Before you apply please read through the following conditions to see if this would be a good fit for you:
- All posts must be unique content to this site. Please don’t recycle something published elsewhere (including your own blog). Also, please don’t publish your guest post elsewhere.
- Please read through some of the posts to get a feel for the kind of content and the depth of content I am looking for.
- All bloggers will be expected to submit content according to their category of expertise. Therefore, when applying, please make sure you indicate only ONE specific category of expertise in the application form.
- In addition to indicating your category of expertise, please also include 3 links to previously published blog posts regarding your specific category of expertise in the form below.
- Please do not email me with topics or potential posts. Instead, fill out the form (via the button below). If this is a good fit, I will be in touch.
What I am looking for with your post submissions:
- Original content that tells readers something new. This is simply the most important factor of all.
- Posts that are backed up by research, charts, data, and expert quotes, not your opinion. It’s easy to write what you think. It’s much harder to produce data that back up an argument.
- Posts that have a substantive discussion. Short posts usually get rejected.
- Drafts of the guest post should be submitted via Google doc.
- Please edit the article before sharing it with me.
- Images in the article should be 1400px wide and submitted individually via a shared Google drive folder.