Richard Branson building thought leadership profile on LinkedIn is worth investigating given his reputation. However Richard Branson has recently become the first LinkedIn user to reach 1,000,000 followers on the social network. To put this into some perspective, he has gathered twice as many followers as Barack Obama. (Image credit: Wikipedia)
Richard Branson’s posts on LinkedIn are mainly on entrepreneurship as well as having a work life balance.
LinkedIn Executive Editor Daniel Roth stated in a blog post, according to CNet:
“Our data shows that [Branson is] popular with everyone from entrepreneurs to HR workers and in industries ranging from tech to construction. The only continent where he doesn’t have a single follower is Antarctica.”
It is worth noting the place of prominence that LinkedIn is taking as a means to connect with thought leaders and also to engage audiences with appropriate content and well worth adding to one’s marketing mix from a b2b point of view.
Roth noted that Branson’s five tips for starting a successful business has nearly 500,000 page views, and his 197-word article suggesting that happiness is the best measure of success generated nearly 3,500 comments.
His most recent post covered why people should treat their companies like family.
“Colleagues should take care of each other, have fun, celebrate success, learn by failure, look for reasons to praise not to criticise, communicate freely, and respect each other,” Branson wrote.
For Richard Branson building thought leadership profile for himself won’t be quite as hard given his reputation but in what ways have you leveraged the social medial platform to raise your thought leadership profile?