In this episode, Andrew Tarvin, the world’s first humor engineer and founder of Humor at Work shares his thoughts on using humor in business communication.
Some topics we discussed include:
- Why Andrew left P&G to start Humor That Works
- Why is humor in business communication important
- What are the potential downsides of using humor in business communication
- What are the key opportunities and threats of using humor in business communication
- Can humor be used to persuade more effectively
- From a sales point of view does humor work best as a top-funnel technique?
- How to ensure that humor aligns with your brand identity
- What if you can’t joke about what you’re selling
- Let’s say I run a brand that has never used humor in content marketing before. How do I start
- Can humor be used to elicit more feedback and insight into a customer’s experiences
- and much more
Links and resources mentioned
- Check out Humor That Works
Connect with Andrew
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