In this episode, Nelson Bruton, President, and Co-Owner of, shares insights into how to use live chat lead generation to fuel business growth. is a Florida based digital marketing company that has generated over $1.4 billion in revenue for their clients by helping businesses to increase conversions using live chat support.
Some topics we discussed include:
- How to approach lead generation
- Why consider using a live chat lead generation strategy
- Considerations that businesses need to keep in mind when implementing live chat
- How to use live chat so it aids and not disrupt a customers buying process
- The one thing you need to do before deploying live chat on your website
- How to develop a live chat lead generation strategy
- Why manning live chat 24/7 can be a challenge and how to address the issue
- Pre-requisites for a website before deploying live chat
- Where live chat sits in the mar-tech stack
- What ROI you can expect from using live chat for lead generation
- and much much more
Links and resources mentioned
- Check out
Connect with Nelson
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thanks for sharing this new kind of tactic to increase lead generation