The dust may have settled from the Presidential elections but social media marketing for your business will probably never be the same. Social media records were created with the campaign. Take for example the picture posted and tweeted by Obama after winning the election. It beat previous Facebook and Twitter records for most retweets and ‘Likes’ ever. It hit 800,000 retweets within a few hours and over four million ‘Likes’ within a few days.
So what are some of the stats that are worth looking at and learning from to give a social media marketing for your business a boost?
Consider that in the month of June alone, Obama spent $4.5 million on digital advertising and text messages versus the $500,000 on digital ads spent by the Romney campaign. Digital ad spend on social media platforms will support social media messages and content. In fact consider adding digital and social ads to your marketing mix. Facebook for example now allows you to advertise specifically to followers friends through sponsored stories.
Consider the message you are putting out there. A few core messages that best tell your story are better to focus on. You can experiment with different types of content that best engage or attract new followers, but be sure to optimize successful content types once identified.
Consider the audience and demographics of who your most engaged followers are. Women especially made a difference to the presidential campaign.
In line with the above you’ll need to focus on platforms that your target audience tends to favour in order to get the greatest return.
Leverage popular topics in an ongoing conversation and respond to timely and relevant events. This requires flexibility, for example Romney’s mention of cutting PBS funding put Big Bird in the lime light which was an unexpected turn of events but empowering marketers and your social media team to make use of these organic and unplanned events can only help the social media marketing for your business.
Check out the infographic for more stats on the presidential campaign.
Have you picked up on any more lessons and relevant stats for boosting social media marketing for your business if so please share with us in the comments below.