Westjet continues the “Spirit of Giving” theme this year with another video that is rapidly rising the viral video charts. Discover if Vimeo is actually better than YouTube for marketers.
Discover the best of visual content strategies that make it easy for you to make your content stand out. Brian Honigman, Ann Handley, Peg Fitzpatrick and Susan Johnstone among others provide insights and tools to help us with our content marketing endeavors.
Content Marketing & Media
WestJet Christmas Miracle: Spirit of Giving
Westjet continued this year with their spirit of giving event. They brought a sleigh to a community in the Dominican Republic where people could tell Santa what they wanted most for Christmas. Employees of Westjet then scrambled to organize and grant those wishes. With close to 3 million views the video is steadily climbing the viral video charts.
YouTube or Vimeo? Which is best?
Brian Honigman provides an interesting perspective to the benefits of Vimeo over Youtube for marketers. While the companies where started around the same time they have gone down different paths. With a different business model. Could Vimeo’s benefits including not distracting viewers from other content on its site be better for content marketers?
The #SoloSelfie revolution
Beats by Dre leverages the selfie trend with their #SoloSelfie campoaign. The campaign video below includes a host of star-studded selfies featuring you guessed it – Beat headphones.
The how to video below however has some of the star cast from the above video, encouraging users to join in and post their own selfies using the #SoloSelfie and #BeatsByDre hashtags. Could this be the beginning of more sponsored selfies?
Content Marketing Know-How
65 Visual Content Marketing Strategies That Make Tired Old Marketing Tactics Look Hip and Fresh
Visual content is a powerful tool that your business or brand can use to engage your audience and fans. It allows you to express ideas quickly and effectively while also setting your content apart from the vast amount of text content published online everyday.
So what kinds of content work well for your business? The answer is usually – a variety. Finding a variety of clever and creative ways to mix your visual content will only help your overall content marketing strategy while boosting interactions with your followers and fans.
In this article I show you several simple yet clever ways to incorporate inspiring yet effective visual content strategies.
Where PR fits into your overall content marketing strategy
For most businesses and organisations, public relations works almost independently of an marketing efforts. However embracing integration could result in cohesive messaging and growth of your company. Discover where PR sits in your overall content marketing strategy.
Platform Or Publisher? Whatever You Call It, It’s The Future Of Media
Traditional publishers while being well place of take advantage of the democratization and technology of content creation and publication have not done so. In their place hybrid media companies have sprouted up. The challenge today is that of helping relevant content to stand out amongst all the noise in a meaningful and pluralistic way. Could the hybrid media companies be best positioned to rise to this challenge?
How to Track Content ROI: A Step-by-Step Guide
Content marketing can boost your brand awareness and public sentiment towards your business but do you know whether you are actually getting a return on investment (ROI)? Tracking ROI isn’t easy but there are ways to approximate the dollar value of each piece of content created. The tutorial shows you how and could prove useful in maximizing the impact of your content.
12 Clever Ways to Use More Visuals on Social Media
Visual marketing is probably one of the most talked about ways to increase the impact social media this year. For most businesses however adding visual impact to their content or even getting started with visual content creation can seem quite daunting. Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick provide some easy ways to add visuals to your social media posts.
5 Email Tools That Will Change Your Life
Perhaps like me, you too are always challenged by the state of your inbox. Winning the war against a deluge of email can be a very daunting task, but there is hope. Susan Johnston provides insights into 5 tools that help tame your unruly inbox.
Ann Handley Talks Writing Ridiculously Well
Ann Handley is a pioneer as far as content marketing goes and her books are well worth reading including the latest – Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide To Creating Ridiculously Good Content. Pamela Muldoon interviews Ann about some of the challenges content marketers face.
Cool Tools I Have Discovered
Spaces – A simple way to build landing pages and integrate payment processing to pre-sell or test concepts
Landing page monkey – Another simple and easy way to build landing pages to get more email subscribers/opt-ins.
Brian Honigman
Thanks for including my piece Vinay! Hope you enjoyed it. Much appreciated. 🙂
Vinay Koshy
It’s a pleasure, I certainly did.