In this episode, Tyron Giuliani, a serial entrepreneur (and a coach to professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs, engaging in B2B, on how to transform their LinkedIn™ into a non-stop, business lead generating tool.) shares his perspective on crafting and using LinkedIn messages to connect with your future customers.
Some topics we discussed include:
- What do businesses do wrong in their desire to connect on LinkedIn
- What do successful LinkedIn messages to connect look like
- What do unsuccessful LinkedIn messages to connect look like
- Do LinkedIn message templates help
- How can we replicate real-world ways of connecting with people on LinkedIn
- How to nurture relationships with potential prospects on LinkedIn
- How to nurture relationships with customers on LinkedIn
- Should relationships be taken off the platform as soon as possible
- Do we need to build out an omnichannel strategy
- and much more
Links and resources mentioned
- Check out Tyron’s website and schedule a call with him
- Enroll for his masterclass
Connect with Tyron
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