As professionals, you already know what lead nurturing is, what purposes it is used for, and how it helps the businesses. You are also aware of automation, drip campaigns and the profit they can bring to your business. That’s why without getting involved in all that stuff, we quickly pass over to answering the main question ‘How can I use email Drip Campaigns to nurture my leads and customers?’ Email Drip Campaigns are an easy and exciting tool for creating triggered follow-ups, personalized emails, and tracking email performance for free. It provides you with a drag-and-drop building system, scheduling feature, real-time statistics, and much more.
We’re going to create 3 possible variants of automated campaigns with nurturing different types of customers. Of course, the list of possible shoppers is as endless as the number of clients. But we’ll stop at three the most popular. They are:
- a recently-subscribed person, the aim is to show them all of the product’s possibilities;
- a regular buyer, the goal is to hold them as long as possible and tweedle to purchase;
- a subscriber who hasn’t bought anything from you for a long time, the objective is to attract and persuade them to buy something.
Overview of how to create a campaign
First, let’s have a look at the steps you need to do to start nurturing with our tool.
Sign up. Click the Email Drip Campaigns tab and then the New drip Campaign button.
You are transferred to the campaign creation page. This is the place where the magic happens. Fill in all the fields on the left to start creating your own triggered campaign:
- write Campaign name (visible to you only, will be further displayed in the Campaigns List);
- choose the Email account you’re going to send from (all the email accounts are displayed in the drop-down menu; choose the valid one; you may save the campaign and choose the account later; you can set up a new SMTP account);
- select All emails or First email (if the prospects have got several accounts, will they receive messages to all their email accounts or only to the primary one?);
- pick out to whom Not to send emails (you can exclude Unverified or Catch-all emails);
- schedule the email campaign (you can set a definite time when the emails will be sent out).
“Start” is the fixed first step in the process of creating any campaign. Choose the list of prospects who will receive the messages from you.
Click the Click to edit option (1) and select one of the lists in the drop-down menu (2).
Note: Everyone added to the list will receive messages, both those added before the creation of the campaign and those who were included later.
Note: if you already have the list of prospects, simply add it into the campaign (you can upload the file in XLS, CVS or TXT format). If you haven’t got one, you can use Email Finder and find leads (or extend the list).
On the right, there are four elements to help you create an automated campaign: Email, Trigger, Delay, and Goal.
This drag-and-drop system is pretty easy-to-use: click the element you need, pull it and drop it in the Campaign creation area. To make the system work, draw a line between two elements.
We’ve come to the most important part of creating a drip campaign – writing an email. The email sent to the subscribers will show how you appreciate them, whether you are interested in them and in what way they will interact with you further.
So, let’s start with the welcoming email to the new subscribers. Click the Email element, and on the left, fill in the subject line and message body fields. You can make the font Bold or Italic, insert links in the message body, add customer attributes, attach files, and save the email as a template.
Note: If you want to track links in the message, then use the Link icon (2). If you simply copy and paste a link into the message body, it won’t be tracked.
Note: If you want to make a personalized message, use the Custom Attributes button and in the drop-down menu choose either First or Last Name, either for Subject Line (drop-down menu in the Subject Line field) or for Message Body (3). If you add user attributes in the message, but the data isn’t available, a blank space will be added instead of the attribute.
Note: You can use email templates kindly provided by the marketing team. There, you will find about 30 templates with customers variables dealing with many issues (4).
Here comes the most exciting part of the future campaign! This is the step that makes the automated campaign really interactive. Triggers decide what the next step will be in automation.
For now, you are welcome to use two types of triggers:
- Contact opened email
- Contact clicked on the link from the email
Both of them can be defined either in hours or days.
Everything is simple. When the recipient does what you’ve set in the trigger, the next step comes into action.
This element lets you not turn into a spammer. When the defined trigger action is performed, the Delay feature activates and the next email won’t be sent until the pre-defined time passes.
The goals defined will help you track the steps the customer performs. Give names to the goals and, in the statistics, monitor how many times whatever goal was reached. As soon as the subscriber has achieved the goal, the campaign for them stops.
Have a look at an example of a ready-launch campaign:
Note: if the goal coincides for several triggers, you can join them into one.
The icing on the cake: If you leave the Campaign creation page without saving the changes, the latest draft of the campaign will be saved automatically. When opening the Campaign creation window again, you will be offered to restore the campaign with the latest changes.
To make the campaign last longer and collaborate with the subscribers further, you can add as many triggers and emails to the campaign as you wish.
All the steps passed are general and are obligatory for every new campaign. From here, we can finally start talking about different types of subscribers and customers and show you how you can nurture them with the help of our tool.
Nurturing a recently-subscribed person
You already know how important it is to build bridges with newcomers. In the first message they receive, you can thank them for joining you, ask for their expectations from the product, suggest helping if they’ve got any questions and many others. Thus, you can add endless numbers of triggers, emails, and define goals.
The welcoming message sent to the new subscriber may look like this:
Have a glance at a possible drip campaign created for a new subscriber.
Nurturing a regular buyer
As far as you can see, we’ve added more triggers into our campaign making it more sophisticated. Thanks to this, you increase chances the subscriber opens emails from you. This way, you can increase the CTR and open rates and show the clients you are aware of them and take care of them.
Note: This screenshot is just an example to show that you can insert as many elements as you wish. It doesn’t prove the rule “the more, the better”. Be careful with the drags added, don’t overdo with triggers and numbers of emails per hour and day. Otherwise, the emails are more likely to be marked as spam by the clients.
Possible email sent to a regular buyer:
Nurturing a longtime subscriber
The last but not the least category of customers are the ones who haven’t contacted and bought from you for a long time. Let them know you still remember them and send triggered email reminding or offering them something they can’t ignore.
Have a peep at the illustration of a message and organizing a triggered campaign to the subscribers who have probably forgotten about you:
Start the campaign
Gosh, my congratulations! You are nearly at the end of our article! All the main steps were passed: creating a new campaign, writing an email, setting triggers and delays and defining goals.
But that’s not the end actually!
Tired already? Don’t be afraid, the last step is as easy as pie. You must simply start the campaign with the right button:
If you did everything correctly and have filled in all the fields, you’ll be transferred to the Campaigns page. There you will see, that the campaign status is active.
Edit the campaign
Have got some changes to be added? Not a problem. Simply pause the campaign and make changes you need. After you’ve corrected everything, resume and let automation work instead of you.
Don’t take our word for it – Try email drip campaigns yourself
Let’s quickly go over everything we’ve just covered above:
- drip campaigns are automated campaigns that can be used for nurturing various types of customers;
- they are free;
- a campaign creation page is a drag-and-drop tool that is easy to use and provides you with as many triggers, emails, and goals as you want;
- campaigns are saved automatically;
- they give you real-time statistics;
- you can make notifications any time you like: simply pause the campaign and restore it later.
There are many different tools available for managing your emails and crafting an effective email drip campaign. No matter which tool or tools you choose, marketing automation through automated email drip campaigns can help you nurture leads without eating up time and resources.
Each tool has a different set of features, limitations, and price points, so you’ll want to evaluate them thoroughly before committing. However, most importantly, when you support your users and help them use your product or service in a way that helps them achieve their objectives, chances are they’ll grow to love your brand even more.