According to Eloqua’s blog a social business shift is occurring and businesses need to be able to adapt to it. They say a social business is not just about having a presence on social media platforms but rather
is truly about is a “shift”, a move from enterprises attempting insulate itself from disruption and instead greeting it warmly.
The shift more directly affects the sales, marketing, HR and R&D areas of businesses and represents a shift from one-directional directives to unstructured and organic conversations. While businesses may instinctively try to insulate itself from these disruptions, it is really businesses that embrace the social business shift that will be able to successfully harness it and translate it into products, sales and profits.
To be able to harness the social business shift organizations will need to be able to create a transparent environment both internally and externally.
Externally they will need to be able to better solicit and understand customer feedback. Reactions to this will need be in real-time to feedback as well as industry changes in order to not be caught flat footed.
Internally it would mean that the social business shift allows for a more organic mean of communication not constrained by hierarchy and position.
So really the new paradigm will involve being almost in constant beta state, being in a real-time mode in order to react to global changes, distributed structures and communication wherein the community takes precedence.
Check out the infographic below
Are there other implications to the social business shift, if so please share in the comments below.