Just about every business is doing some form of content marketing. Consider the following statistics :
- 94% of small businesses use content marketing
- 93% of B2Bs use content marketing
- 77% of B2Cs use content marketing
With so many businesses involved with content marketing, it is easy to think that it must work. However, reality paints a different picture. Just because everyone is doing does not mean it is helping all those businesses.
According to the Content Marketing Institute only 6% of B2B marketers consider their content marketing to be “very effective”. In other words, all that content isn’t working for everyone.
We know that content marketing if done well, works, because it helps you build influence and has a compounding effect driving traffic and building your authority. However, just doing content marketing does not mean that it works well for every business.
The fact is that the odds are stacked against you. Consider the following factors your content needs to contend with.
- Your content must compete for your audience’s attention along with that of other businesses
- It must deal with the various distractions in the life of your audience
- There is a plethora of marketing channels on which your audience can consume content
Sure, content is still sought after and consumed but, getting your message to your target audience isn’t as easy as it used to be. In fact, your audience faces a deluge of information.
So you can see why standing out in today’s crowded marketplace is demanded but often not achieved.
Where does your marketing content stand? If you don’t feel like content your marketing is helping your business you are not alone. It could be for a few reasons.
Discover if your marketing content is helping or hurting your business by using a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush to get a quick overview or else contact us for help.