Warren Coughlin is a recovering lawyer, a serial entrepreneur, a former college professor, and an actor and theatre director. His array of experiences have set him up to coach entrepreneurs to success and freedom since 2002.
In this episode, Warren shares his insights and experiences on how to set an agenda via people, process, and performance to drive growth. Insights he shares include:
Some topics we discussed include:
- Why long term planning is essential
- How you get people thinking about long term planning and building out a strategy based on people process and performance
- How Warren conducts a strategic analysis
- What are the components of the operational strategy
- How do we include our principles into our operational strategy to impact people process and performance
- Why creating an operational strategy that positively impacts people process and performance needs to be an exercise in patience
- Why culture and strategy make for a perfect marriage
- Why execution of strategy is an Achilles heel for many businesses
- The key mental shift that needs to happen for leadership in an organization to be more effective in their roles
- The key focus that needs to be kept while building out a strategy to improve people process and performance
- and much much more …
Related links and resources
- Check out Warren’s site
- Learn from Gary MacDougall – How to Get a Mentor: 10 Powerful Steps That Drive Business Growth
- Listen to my interview with Jeff Bajorek – 10 Critical Functions of Sales Management That Drive Business Growth
- Listen to my interview with Kiirsten May and Alex Varricchio – How to Inspire Creativity in The Workplace to Drive Business Growth
- Listen to my interview with Brandee Sanders – Data Science Process: How to go From Pilot to Pipeline to Drive Growth
- Get even more inspiration with Jeff Wald – How to Build a Powerful Company Culture Deck That Drives Growth Predictably
Connect with Warren
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