In this episode is Jeroen Corthout, CEO and co-founder of Salesflare shares powerful ways to boost sales by automating sales process.
Salesflare is a simple, yet powerful CRM for small businesses selling in the B2B space.
Some topics we discussed include:
- What is sales automation: Jeoen’s perspective on automating sales
- How to decide on parts of the sales process to automate and what not to automate
- What is the customer value machine
- How to handle data entry
- How to create systems that work for outreach and prospecting
- How to easily and effectively stay on top of relationships as you get to know more people
- How to build out nurturing processes in sales
- How to approach automating sales
- How to decide on initial parts of the sales process you should automate
- Jeroen’s approach to encouraging customer reviews and testimonials
- How Jeroen views customer success in relation to sales
- and much more
Links and resources mentioned
- Check out Salesflare
Connect with Jeroen
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