Zig Ziglars lessons on social media engagement are normally what you would think of from this famous speaker and motivational guru. Zig Ziglar passed away just last month having positively impacted millions of lives. His advice and lessons are still true today especially in the area of social media engagement. (Image credit: Wikipedia)
Perhaps one of his most relevant quotes in this area of social media is –
“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want”
As part of your social media engagement and strategy it would be better to focus on discerning the audiences needs rather than your own. Here are some ways to put this into practice.
Form personal connections with customers.
You have probably heard that people buy from businesses and sales professionals whom they like and trust on a personal level. So do a bit of research on your potential customers and use programs to remember and nurture leads. Research would be especially useful before a meeting.
Find partners to grow your business.
Find other businesses in your space whom you could complement and thus build each up through the synergies being offered.
Don’t let your annoyance with angry customers show.
Always work towards resolution even when complaints are made on social media. Negative feedback can be used as a brand-building opportunity.
Keep on track with long-term goals to overcome adversity.
While adversity and other events can cause setbacks, keeping long term goals whilst focusing on short term goals will help you stay on track. As long as you are helping other people, chances are that help will come from unexpected sources.
Are there other lessons that you would add to Zig Ziglars lessons on social media engagement, if so please tell us about them in the comments below.