In this episode, Adam Berguem, Demand Generation Manager for Crayon, shares how to address an emerging trend in marketing and sales. He also shares ways we can address the gap between marketing, sales, and technology to drive business growth.
Some topics we discussed include:
- What are new industry trends in marketing in 2020
- Top digital marketing trends in 2020
- Issues that businesses encounter in bringing marketing and sales together
- What it means to have an increasingly buyer-centric world
- Is data becoming more valuable than cash from a business point of view
- Should businesses be investing in developing a data flywheel
- How to merge data with the speed of response
- How to address an emerging trend in marketing
- Future marketing trends
- Where do B2B marketing trends in 2020 and the future leave sales
- What distinguishes legendary marketers from the rest
- Perspectives we need to bring to a Business Intelligence (BI) centric world
- and much more
Links and resources mentioned
- Check out Adam’s site
Connect with Adam
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