In this episode, Raman Sehgal, a recovering marketer who spent his career working on big brands like P&G and Danone as well as fast-growing startups, like Ahalogy and TVision shares his insights into developing a strategy for marketing a product.
Raman is the founder of 20 Nickels and hosts the following podcasts – Learnings from Leaders, the P&G alumni podcast, as well as Modern Minorities and Quarantined Comics. Insights he shares include:
Some topics we discussed include:
- What is product marketing – a definition
- Why is product marketing important
- What marketers should do more of
- What is different about a product marketer, as opposed to a traditional marketer
- Raman’s view on product marketing duties
- How to create playbook that help build out product marketing strategies that drive predictable revenue
- How to develop a strategy for marketing a product
- Product marketing examples worth taking note of
- How to make your value proposition exciting enough for customers
- and much more
Related links and resources
- Learnings from Leaders
- Modern Minorities
- Quarantined Comics
- 20 Nickels
- Learn more from Wayne Mullins – Evangelism Marketing: What is it And How to Use it to Drive Growth
- Learn more from David Stellato – What is Performance Marketing and How to Use it to Drive Business Growth
- Listen to my interview with Casey Sullivan – How to Leverage a Product-Led Growth Strategy to Boost Your Results
- Listen to my interview with Tom Hunt – Marketing vs Branding: How You Can Use Both to Drive Business Growth
Connect with Raman
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