Most businesses are not operating at their full potential simply because they do not have a business operating system. This is because most business owners and managers have never been taught how to build a powerful, well-oiled machine that works in harmony with the people who work for them.
Most businesses are in a constant state of flux. This is especially true when you factor in the changes brought on by technological advancements, shifting social paradigms, and other factors that can make it difficult to keep your business operating at peak performance.
Unfortunately, many companies fail to address these issues head-on and instead choose to ignore them or deal with them as they arise. However, this often leads to less than ideal outcomes for everyone involved. For example, if employees aren’t all pulling their weight then productivity will suffer which can negatively impact the bottom line.
Many businesses also run into problems when they grow larger than what one person can manage alone. In this post and podcast, you will learn how to create a system that allows your business to scale up while keeping it running smoothly. You’ll also learn about some of the common pitfalls that entrepreneurs fall into when trying to execute their ideas without proper planning or preparation.
The solution is simple – use an entrepreneurial operating system (EOS) as a blueprint for constructing your own business operating system (BOS). EOS’s like Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), Business Operating System (BOS) by Murray Newlands, and Business Management Framework (BMF) by Dan Sullivan provide structure and guidance so you don’t get lost along the way. Murray in the podcast shares his perspectives and lessons learned from implementing such operating systems for several companies.
About Murray
Murray Smith is a certified implementer who heads up Grip6 Implementation, which uses the Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS) to help organizations achieve laser focus to better reach their goals.
Murray is a graduate of MIT Sloan School of Management, with a 15-year background in law enforcement. He has also established and restructured organizations at an executive level for ten years and is now helping small to medium-sized businesses by implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System.
His diverse skills and experience provide a different perspective on business and achieving outcomes. In this episode, he shares his perspectives on how we can build a powerful business operating system that drives growth for our company.
Some topics we discussed include:
- Why use a business operating system
- Why Murray recommends the use of Entrepreneurial Operating systems (EOS) as a blueprint for constructing your own business operating system
- The six components of EOS
- How to get everyone on the same page with regards to the operating system
- How to balance numbers and people’s motivations and desires
- How best to deal with issues that businesses run into
- What are 90-day sprints or rocks and why they are an integral part of any business operating system
- Why Murray recommends the use of scorecards in any business
- Level 10 meetings and their effectiveness in keeping business operating systems on track
- The leadership abilities needed to make things happen
- and much much more …
Listen to the episode
Related links and resources
- Check out Grid6
- Get a copy of the book Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business
- Check out EOS
- Learn from Shep Hyken – How to Build Customer Trust And Loyalty to Drive Business Growth
- Learn from Paula Thomas – How to Create Powerful B2B Customer Loyalty Programs That Drive Growth
- Learn from Jarod Spiewak – How to Craft a Trust-Based Data Driven Marketing Strategy That Drives Growth
- Listen to my interview with Mike Adams – How to Create Customer Value Via Systems of Intelligence That Drives Growth
- Listen to my interview with Sam Gupta – How to go About Building a Tribe And Quickly Driving Growth
- Get even more inspiration with Dan Gingiss – How to Create a Digital Customer Experience Strategy to Drive Growth
Connect with Murray
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Mark Griffith
Through your blog, you’ve managed to highlight a very serious problem currently plaguing companies! Thank you so much for this!