Customer engagement affects the life and death of companies of all sizes. Customer retention and loyalty are vital to success. However, the way customers interact with your brand is changing at a very fast pace. They are on multiple devices and are accessing your brand from multiple locations. The market conditions are tough and the competition is stiff. You need customer engagement strategies to drive customer loyalty and retention.
There is no doubt that there is an increasing focus on customer engagement strategies. This was reflected in Gartner Advisory “Strategic CIO Agenda for the Next Three Years:2018-2020”. As per Gartner, by 2020, 30% of customer engagement initiatives will improve revenue. So what exactly constitutes customer engagement? According to the report, customer engagement is defined by the following attributes:
- Intimate and ongoing communication with customers via multiple channels
- Personalized and highly relevant content and offerings
- Support for customer needs and preferences
- Recognition that customers often
The best sales team in the world isn’t going to help grow your business if your customers aren’t coming back.
In this podcast episode and post, we are going to look at how to improve your customer engagement strategies to drive user engagement. We are going to look at some powerful and proven strategies that can help you grow your business and create customer loyalty.
About Michael
Michael Solomon literally wrote the book on understanding consumers. In fact, hundreds of thousands of business students have learned about marketing from his books including consumer behavior, buying, Having, and Being — the most widely used book on the subject in the world.
As a Professor of Marketing (in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia) and an industry consultant, Michael combines cutting-edge academic theory with actionable real-world strategies.
His articles, published in journals including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Business Research, have been cited over 30,000 times.
As a business consultant, he helps managers get inside the heads of their customers so they can anticipate and satisfy their deepest and most pressing needs – today and tomorrow. Michael often is asked to provide briefings to global executive teams who want significant increases in their bottom line and who understand that’s accomplished by a deeper connection with their customers.
In this episode, Michael shares how we can use customer engagement strategies to attract and keep today’s customers for the long term.
Some topics we discussed include:
- How consumer behavior has changed over the last couple of years.
- Why do consumers tend to go for long-term, well-established business brands
- How to use customer engagement strategies to attract and keep today’s customers
- How the pandemic has affected consumer behavior and expectation.
- Understanding the ever-changing consumer behavior; and why it’s a bad idea to over-promise when marketing.
- The rise and power of influencer marketing.
- How to modify your consumer engagement strategies so that they fit in today’s modern society
- How to ramp up customer engagement. How to turn bored customers into brand fanatics.
- How to take care of the loyal customers first
- and much much more…
Listen to the episode
Related links and resources
- Check out Michael’s personal site
- Learn from Joe Davy – 7+ Customer Engagement Marketing Strategies to Make You a Pipeline Hero
- Learn from Vivek Nanda – How to Craft Powerful Audience Engagement Strategies That Drive Growth
- Check out the article – 20+ Powerful Marketing Strategies You Should Copy to Grow Your Company Fast
- Learn from Aron North – 7 Ways to Bring Empathetic Marketing Into Your Growth Strategy
- Learn from Kris Grant – How to Create a Powerful Stakeholder Engagement Plan That Drives Growth
- Learn from Jonathon Hensley – How to Craft a Powerful Customer Engagement Strategy for Online Brands
- Check out the article – How to Create a Powerful Diversity Marketing Strategy That Drives Growth With Examples
- Check out the article – #ContentCatchup: Content Marketing Customer Engagement Tips and Tactics
- Check out the article – How Local Content Marketing Can Drive Engagement
- Check out the article – ContentCatchup: Visual Content Engagement
- Check out the article – Zig Ziglars Lessons on Social Media Engagement
- Check out the article – What is Brand Value and How to Use it Drive Growth
- Listen to my interview with Julius Geis – How to Create Brand Development Strategies for Growth-Driven B2B Marketing
- Listen to my interview with Hoyin Cheung – Hybrid Events: 10 Things to Consider to Drive Business Growth
- Learn from Sam Shepler – 9+ Proven Ways to Create a Successful Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
Connect with Michael
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