You might have heard of the importance of brand tracking, but do you know how it can help your brands?
You know your brand is important, but it can be hard to see how it fits into your marketing strategy. A brand tracking report details the impact of your brand on your marketing goals. It can also give you an accurate measurement of your company’s health, and help you improve your brand and your marketing results. Read this blog to discover why your brand needs brand tracking, how it helps you grow your brand, and why you should choose to help you.
If you are just getting into the realm of brand tracking then you might not know why you need it for your business. This episode and post will highlight the benefits of brand tracking and why it is important and how you can use it to fuel your business growth.
About Angeley
Angeley Mullins is the CMO & CGO at Latana, an AI-Powered brand tracking solution, designed to help brands make better marketing decisions. Latana is a leading technology company that allows users worldwide to understand key brand insights for both themselves and their competitors and enables them to zoom in on the audiences that drive their business.
In this episode, she shares why businesses should add brand tracking to their strategies and how it can become an indispensable component of driving growth.
Some topics we discussed include:
- Why most businesses don’t know what their brand awareness is and what associations customers and prospects make with their brand
- What is brand tracking
- The problem that brand tracking solves
- Do we really need to invest in brand tracking given the wealth of data points and information we currently receive from other tools and platforms
- Whom to track and how when investing in brand tracking
- Why marketing and sales should be across brand tracking
- The best ways to make brand tracking possible and get feedback from customers
- Where brand tracking software sits in the tech stack
- The level of granularity we can expect from the data being obtained
- How best to track brand performance
- Pitfalls of brand tracking that companies often run into
- Indicators and metrics to watch in order to achieve ROI
- and much much more …
Listen to the episode
Related links and resources
- Check out Latana
- Learn from Mark Raffan – What is Brand Evangelism And How to Use it to Easily Drive Growth
- Learn from Guy Rozman – How to Craft Brand Messaging With 9 Key Components That Drive Growth
- Learn from Michael Leibowitz – 6 Elements of a Brand Messaging Strategy With Examples to Drive Growth
- Learn from Ian Moyse – 10+ Ways to Use Personal Branding For Business Owners And Executives to Drive Growth
- Learn from Julius Geis – How to Create Brand Development Strategies for Growth-Driven B2B Marketing
- Learn more Kyle Duford – How to Develop Powerful Brand Strategy Frameworks That Rapidly Drives Growth
- Learn from Maddy Martin – How to Create an Engaging Brand Experience That Actually Drives Growth
- Check out the article – What is Brand Value and How to Use it Drive Growth
- Check out the article – Brand Credibility: How to Build it and Drive Growth Via Your Online Presence
- Learn from Margie Agin – How to Craft a Brand Strategy Framework That Actually Unlocks Rapid Business Growth
Connect with Angeley
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What other tools do you use for brand tracking? Another question is, how do you measure its success? I am very interested in this and wanted to implement it into my business 🙂
The question of what you want to measure and how probably needs to be addressed first before you look for the right tool to help in the process.